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Some Team T100 and Ironman Series Updates!

A strong 6th at T100 London boosts Tamara back to top 13 in the PTO World Rankings

Here's what she had to say about her race:

After such a tough start to the T100 series in Miami in March, the very best thing about my day in London was that I seriously enjoyed the racing - even on a bit of a boring 8x10km bike loop (the AG athletes got to race into Westminster while we stayed in conference-land by the London Excel Centre - I'm a bit jealous!) then 6 lap run course :)

(Photo Credit: Triathlon Magazine/Kevin MacKinnon)

I've put a lot of work into my mindset and racing my values with joy since Miami, and it is paying off in terms of results, but also in terms of my own happiness and sense of fun within the T100. Starting my time in London training with Nikki Bartlett, a British pro whose tough but fun-loving approach to the sport I've admired since hearing her talk at 70.3 Worlds in St. George in 2021 (at 2022 70.3 Worlds she finished 8th, JUST holding me off at the end as I ran into 9th), was the perfect lead-in to an excellent race experience.

(Photo Credit: T100)

I also think that overall the T100 Series is finding a better and better groove. Crowd support, particularly on parts of run loop that entered end exited the London Excel Centre on each lap, was unreal (having AG athletes around interested in watching while dropping off bikes for their own race was a huge boost!) The T100 crew's on-the-ground athlete support is unmatched. I really appreciate the help with training logistics and bike mechanic support that they provide. I also am getting addicted to the level of competition. Coming out of T2 with Anne Haug, Chelsea Sodaro and Emma Pallant-Brown knowing I would have some real run battles to contend with was a little bit intimidating, but also thrilling :)

Jackson Kona-bound after second-ever full Ironman at Lake Placid

Here's what he had to say about his race:

I had a decent swim, settled into the main chase pack which is about where I’d expect to be. I felt like I had a hard time finding good technique like I can when I’m training and was rushing my stroke a little bit, so that’s something to improve on. I came out 5 minutes down from the lead with lots of contenders in my group and further behind.

I felt very strong on the first lap of the bike. I had some people to ride with early on but eventually dropped them and rode solo, I also passed several guys to make my way into 3rd place by about the 60k mark. I eventually caught Justin Riele who was in 2nd shortly after the end of lap 1, then we were caught by Lionel and Trevor around the 100km mark. The 4 of us rode together for the next 60km. I was at the front a fair bit and perhaps overdid the effort, because I struggled in the last 20km and lost about 2 minutes to Lionel and Trevor by the end of the bike with Mathew Marquardt way off the front, I was in 4th. I had lost 1 bottle due to a huge bump and was low on carbohydrates from 155-175km where I finally got gels, that may have played a part in why I was struggling. 

Starting the run my back was really stiff and took 10km to loosen up, but I did still run fairly well. I took in a bit too much nutrition the first 15km and had to stop to throw up, but luckily I felt good after that and just reduced my intake for the rest of the run. Thor Bendix Madsen passed me when I was stopped at 15km, then I caught back up to him and we ran together for about 4km. He then went through a rough patch and I put 2.5 minutes into him by about 35km. Good thing I had 7th locked up because I really struggled the last 4km, I think everyone was hurting and just happy to get across the line. The hardest part of the day was definitely the last bit of the run, those hills really take a toll on the body after 8 hours. 

(Photo Credit: Zone2Media)

I found the biggest difference with the full distance was just how much I had to hold back to prevent a total blow up later on, and I think I should have held back even a little more in a few instances. Something to learn from and do better next time.

The day went about as I thought it would and I’m happy I put together a solid day. This is the start of a Ironman focus for me, and given how little full distance experience I have, I think this is a great result to build off of . I’ll be heading to Frankfurt and Kona now that I know I can put together a solid full. 

After the race I went into cheering mode for my sister Dee who was attempting her first full! She got her finish and I was allowed to give her the finishers medal at the finish line which was an awesome moment. 

(Photo Credit: Zone2Media)

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